

2022-04 教育部國教署「公立高級中等以下學校電力系統改善暨冷氣裝設計畫」冷氣啟用 "School electrical system improvement and air conditioning installation in public schools at the senior high school level or below project" arranged by K-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education- Air-conditioned classrooms were launched.
2021-12 教育部國教署「公立高級中等以下學校電力系統改善暨冷氣裝設計畫」-臺中市中小學電力系統改善工程竣工 "School electrical system improvement and air conditioning installation in public schools at the senior high school level or below project" arranged by K-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education-Power system improvement project for primary and secondary schools in Taichung city was completed.
2021-11榮獲英國文化協會及臺中市政府國際學校獎升級認證(ISA認證) Chongcing Elementary School has achieved Advance Level Developing Internationalism.
2021-7 幼兒園遊戲場改善工程竣工 The renovation of the kindergarten playground was completed.
2021-5 公立國民中小學視聽教室優化計畫採購案 The renovation of the audiovisual classroom was completed.
2021-3 校園遊戲設施改善工程竣工 The renovation of the school playground was completed.
2021-3與日本札幌南之澤小學進行skype視訊交流課程 The school had video conferences and international exchange activities and lessons with Minaminosawa Elementary School, Sapporo, Japan.
2021-1 知動教室設立 Perceptual motor skills classroom was established.
2020-8 英語情境教室設備改善 English Situational Classroom improvement was completed.
2020-2 汰換更新燈具為LED燈管 Classroom lamps were replaced with LED tubes.
2020-1 更新學生新式課桌椅 New desks and chairs were purchased for students.
2020-1 教學大樓及活動中心頂樓太陽能光電發電系統架設工程竣工 The installation of solar-electric panel power generation system on the roofs of the teaching building and activity center was completed.
2019-12與日本宇都宮西原小學進行skype視訊交流課程 The school had video conferences and international exchange activities and lessons with Utsunomiya Elementary School, Utsunomiya, Japan.
2019-11 改善無障礙校園環境工程竣工 The project to improve the barrier-free campus environment was completed.
2019-11 幼兒園一樓廁所改善工程竣工 The toilet improvement project on the first floor of the kindergarten was completed.
2019-11 教學大樓及活動中心屋頂太陽能光電板裝設工程竣工 The installation of the solar-electric panel on the roofs of the teaching building and activity center was completed.
2019-11 幼兒園大門竣工啟用 The kindergarten gate was completed and opened.
2019-10 幼兒園增班工程竣工 The kindergarten expansion project was completed.
2019-9 老舊廁所整修工程竣工 The renovation of the bathroom was completed.
2019-8 幼兒園增設2班 The kindergarten added 2 classes.
2019-8 第9任校長胡秀美女士連任 Mrs. Hu, Hsiu-Mei took the position as the ninth principal.
2019-3 加入機器人程式教育聯盟學校 The school joined the STEAM Education Union.
2018-11 前庭鋪面暨汙水管納管工程竣工 The construction project of vestibule pavement and sewage interception pipeline was completed.
2018-11 PU跑道整建工程竣工 The construction project of PU sports track was completed.
2018-11 與韓國光陽市龍江小學簽訂友好關係學校 The school signed the cooperation agreement with Long Jiang Elementary School in city of Gwangyang, South Korea.
2018-10 教學大樓東西棟耐震補強工程竣工 The earthquake resistance and strengthening project in Western and Eastern teaching building were completed.
2018-8 二十一世紀核心素養教師教學能力提升計畫研究基地學校 The school became the research base of 21st Century Core Competencies Teaching Promotion Project
2018-7 臺中市健康促進績優學校銅質獎 The school was awarded Health Promoting Schools Bronze Award.
2018-3 活動中心舞台布幕更新工程竣工 The renovation of the stage curtain in the auditorium was completed.
2017-11 籃球場鋪面整修工程竣工 The basketball court pavement renovation construction was completed.
2017-8 教育部教師全球競合力教學能力提升計畫 課程推動學校 The school became the Curriculum Guidance School of the Ministry of Education Teachers Global Competence and Teaching Ability Improvement Project.
2017-8 無障礙坡道工程竣工 The construction of barrier-free ramps was completed.
2017-8 改善幼兒園教學環境工程竣工 The construction of kindergarten environment improvement was completed.
2017-8 榮獲英國文化協會及臺中市政府國際學校獎認證(ISA認證) The school received International School Award and obtained ISA certification.
2017-5 與日本札幌南之澤小學校進行skype視訊交流課程 The school had video conferences and international exchange activities and lessons with Minaminosawa Elementary School, Sapporo, Japan.
2017-1 重慶地球村落成啟用 Chongcing Global Village was completed.
2016-12 強化校園安全智慧型電子防護圍籬 The procurement of strengthening campus safety and the smart-electronic protective fence were completed.
2016-12 梅姬颱風復建工程採光罩整修竣工 The renovation of skylight panels was completed by Typhoon Megi reconstruction project.
2016-8 榮獲英國文化協會及臺中市政府國際學校中級認證(ISA認證) Chongcing Elementary School has achieved Intermediate Level Developing Internationalism.
2016-8 幼兒園洗手台工程竣工 The renovation of kindergarten sink was completed.
2015-12更新側門花棚架工程竣工 The renovation of the flower trellis was completed.
2015-10 教學大樓北棟A側補強工程竣工 The renovation of the Teaching Building A was completed.
2015-9 榮獲學生營養午餐及營養教育工作考評甲等 The school got A+ on lunch work evaluation.
2015-8 第8任校長胡秀美女士就任 Mrs. Hu, Hsiu-Mei took the position as the eighth principal.
2014-11 遊戲區及操場周邊整修工程竣工 The trimming project around the school field and playground was completed.
2014-10 教學大樓北棟B側校舍補強工程竣工 The make-up project of the north part of the school building was completed.
2014-8 操場及周邊遊戲區新建工程竣工 The trimming project of the school field and school playground were completed.
2013-12 南棟教學大樓屋頂防水隔熱工程竣工 The waterproof and heat defend the project of the south side building.
2013-7 網球場地整修工程竣工 The tennis court renovation was completed.
2012-6 新設立附設幼兒園及招生 The opening of new kindergarten and crewing.
2011-12 慶祝20週年校慶暨社區運動大會 The 20th anniversary of the school and school sports day were celebrated.
2011-10 綜合球場修繕及周邊環境改善工程 The Renovation Project of Multi-Sport Ballcourt and its Neighboring Environment were completed.
2011-8 第 7 任校長許玲玲女士就任 Mrs. She, Lin-Lin took the position as the seventh principal.
2007-8 第 6 任校長劉淑秋女士就任 Mrs. Liu, Shu-Giu took the position as the sixth principal.
2005-8 第 5 任校長徐淑蓉女士連任 Mrs. Hsu, Shu-jung took the position as the fifth principal.
2001-8 第4任校長徐淑蓉女士連任 Mrs. Hsu, Shu-jung took the position as the fourth principal.
1999 設立身心障礙資源班 1 班 The school set up resource classes for students in need.
1999-5 學生活動中心落成啟用 The construction of the activity center was completed.
1997-8 第3 任校長徐淑蓉女士就任 Mrs. Hsu, Shu-jung took the position as the third principal.
1993-8 第2 任校長吳美賢女士就任 Mrs. Wu, Mei-hsien took the position as the second principal.
1992-8 正式招生 The school started recruiting students.
1992-2 第1任校長林克明先生就任 Mr. Lin, Ke-ming took the position as the first principal.
1990-8 奉准成立「台中市西屯區重慶國民小學」 Taichung City Government officially authorized the establishment of the school.
1990-3 第一期校舍建築工程,林俊彥校長籌備設校 Principal Lin, Chun-yen was in charge of organizing the school.